(As adopted, Jan. 17, 2002)
Mission Statement
The purpose of Ocean Woodturners is to provide an organization for persons who wish to explore the craft of woodturning, who want to educate themselves on woodturning techniques, materials, machines and tools and who are willing to share their knowledge with others, both inside and outside the organization.
Article I: Identification
Ocean Woodturners, hereafter known in these bylaws as the Club, is registered with the State of Rhode Island as a non-profit organization and is a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW).
Article II: Membership
Membership in the Club shall be open to all persons interested in the craft of woodturning, regardless of gender, age, race or woodturning skill level. Members in good standing must pay annual dues and abide by Club rules and bylaws. Dues can be waived on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Board. Members are encouraged to also join the American Association of Woodturners.
Article III: Executive Board
There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the elected Club’s officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, plus chairs of all standing committees appointed by the elected officers.
General Powers
The Executive Board, hereafter known as the Board, can act on behalf of the Club between general membership meetings provided any actions are reported in full to the membership at the next membership meeting.
Each member shall serve for one year and may be re-elected or reappointed.
Unexpected vacancies can be filled at any time by a vote of a majority of the Board. Those appointed or elected to a vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of the predecessor.
Removal from office
Any board member elected or appointed may be removed when it is deemed that the best interests of the club would be served by such removal. This would be accomplished by notification to the membership of the pending removal and then, at the subsequent meeting, a majority vote of the club’s members who are present at the time of the vote.
Article IV: Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board and Membership. The President shall coordinate the activities of the other officers and any committees. The President shall have the power to appoint ad-hoc committees.
Vice President
The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence and such other duties as shall be assigned by the President.
The Secretary shall have the responsibility for preparing and maintaining records of the minutes/newsletter for the Club and Board and shall be responsible for maintaining a record of Club documents such as correspondence, bylaws and other written materials pertinent to the Club. The Secretary shall give notice of meetings to the membership at least five days in advance. The Secretary shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the Vice President.
The Treasurer shall have custody of all Club funds and shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and shall make disbursements in accordance with the directions of the Club membership and the Board. He/she shall maintain a list of active members in concert with the Secretary. The treasurer shall make a status report at each Club meeting and present a complete report at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall establish and maintain whatever savings and checking accounts are deemed necessary for the proper operation of the Club. Funds in accounts shall be set up to be withdrawn with the signature of either the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer, on his/her own initiative may spend up to any amount as determined by vote of the membership, from time-to-time.
Standing Committees
Standing committees shall be appointed from time to time by the officers.
In addition to others, suggested chairs are:
Program Chairperson: The Program Chairperson shall be responsible for planning and arranging for educational programs to be presented at Club meetings.
Education Chairperson: The Education Chairperson shall be responsible for planning and arranging educational programs for Club members and the public. Such programs can range from in-Club training sessions to large demonstrations that are open to the public.
Fundraising Chairperson: The Fundraising Chairperson shall be responsible for planning and arranging fundraising activities that would support the Club and its operations.
Article V: Meetings
Club meetings
Shall be held once a month at a time, date and place as determined by the membership or Board. The suggested order of business shall be: Old Business; New Business; Program and Show & Tell.
Board meetings
Shall be held at the call of the President. The order of business shall be determined by the President.
Special meetings
: Special meetings of the Club can be called by the Board provided adequate notice is given. (see E.)
The Annual Meeting: Shall be held in January of each calendar year or as close to the start of the calendar year as possible. The agenda for the annual meeting shall be: Reports of officers and committee chairs; Old Business; New Business including the establishment of dues for the calendar year and swear-in of new officers elected in December.
Notice of meetings
The secretary shall notify Club members of regular, special and annual meetings at least five days before said meetings are scheduled to take place.
Article VI: Elections
The election process shall begin at the regular Club meeting in October when the President appoints three persons from the membership to a nominating committee.
The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of officers and present such slate at the November meeting. At this time, other nominations can be taken from the floor.
At the December meeting, the balloting procedure (voice vote, standing vote, or secret ballot) is then decided by the membership.
The new officers shall take office at the January meeting and serve until their successors are seated.
Article VII: Amendments
These bylaws can be amended at any time provided:
The proposed amendment is presented as a first reading to members at a regular or special meeting of the Club.
The proposed amendment is then announced in the notification for the subsequent meeting when the second reading is scheduled.
A second reading is presented at the subsequent regular or special meeting of the Club.
The amendment is approved by a majority of those present for the second reading.
Article VIII: Dissolution of the Club
Following prior notification at least 7 days before a meeting, the Club may be dissolved by a vote of a simple majority of members in good standing at a regular or special meeting of the Club.
In the event the Club is dissolved, all property and assets will be offered for donation to a non-profit organization, a woodworking or vocational program within the State of Rhode Island.