Want To Become A Member? You Are Welcome!
New members are always welcome! Persons interested in exploring the club can attend a meeting at no obligation. The next monthly meeting can be found on the front page of our website. To become a member, simply follow the four steps below:
Read the club bylaws - click here to read them
If you wish to become a member, bring cash or check for your club dues to the next monthly meeting or pay your dues online using the PayPal button below.. Dues are $35 per member annually. You do not need to become a member to come to a meeting!
Click here to join our email distribution list. We use this service for most of the club announcements and communication.
Fill out the form below
Dues are $35 annually for membership. Use the button below to pay your dues. You do NOT need a PayPal account to do so and can use a credit card.