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Want To Become A Member? You Are Welcome!  

New members are always welcome! Persons interested in exploring the club can attend a meeting at no obligation. The next monthly meeting can be found on the front page of our website. To become a member, simply follow the four steps below:

  1. Read the club bylaws - click here to read them

  2. If you wish to become a member, bring cash or check for your club dues to the next monthly meeting or pay your dues online using the PayPal button below.. Dues are $35 per member annually. You do not need to become a member to come to a meeting!

  3. Click here to join our email distribution list. We use this service for most of the club announcements and communication.

  4. Fill out the form below

Dues are $35 annually for membership. Use the button below to pay your dues. You do NOT need a PayPal account to do so and can use a credit card.  

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
I would be happy to help with:

​Waiver Of Liability

  • I understand and acknowledge that woodturning and use of power equipment is a risky and hazardous activity for both the turner and those watching.

  • I also agree to hold harmless the Ocean Woodturners and its officers, members and the owners, tenants and operators of each facility at which the Ocean Woodturners may hold its meetings, events or activities of any responsibility or liability for any injuries or damage incurred.

  • If representing the Ocean Woodturners, I will not use any power equipment while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any medication that would impair my ability to safely operate such equipment.

  • I have read and understand the bylaws of the Ocean Woodturners and this Waiver of Liability and accept them as a condition of membership.

  • I am over the age of 18 (if a minor, parents must sign and minor be accompanied by a club member at all meetings, activities or events).



Thanks for submitting!

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